Stina Inc

Monday, January 26, 2009

St. Valentine

February, the month of romance is coming up!

Check out Stina Inc's "St.Valentine" earrings made especially in the name of looove to wear on your special, romantic dinner-for-two.

The "St.Valentine" earring is made completely out of genuine Swarovski crystals on gold brass hoops. So sparkly and beautiful! It is bound to catch your lover's attention. Just what you need to keep his eyes on you, and you only.

*ATTN* All Stina Inc purchases from now until February 14th will be specially gift wrapped and ready to give for Valentine's Day! (See picture 2 above.)

Purchase the "St. Valentine" earring and other Valentine-themed jewelry here: or click on the image below.

Buy Handmade

Want the 411 on Valentine's Day? Here's some fun trivia: Why do we celebrate Valentine's Day, and Who the heck is St. Valentine anyways? To find out visit:

From your Valentine,



Magnetic Amber Collection

You heard it here first!

The new Magnetic Amber Collection from Stina Inc.

Why Amber? Amber is associated with bringing good luck and romantic love! Believed to have detoxifying and healing properties, it draws out negative energy from the body and purifies the spirit and the heart to bring about joy and inner peace. Let the "Warm My Heart" earrings attract luck and love in your life!

My personal favorite? I like to wear my "Classic Honey" earrings while snuggled up in my favorite white sweater. It's the perfect complement!

Buy Handmade

Visit: or click on the mini image icons above to purchase these and other items!



Monday, January 19, 2009

Renew America Together!

There is a website I think everyone taking residence in the United States should check out!

Whether you are a Republican or a Democrat, support your own hopes as well as Obama's call for change by taking action and helping out at local service events held in your very own community! At this site aimed to unite people's efforts to restore and "Renew America Together," you, too, can respond to President-elect Obama's initiative and make a difference in our nation. Visit the site to find service events to attend, and sign up to receive texts for more information!

"We are one people; We are one nation; and together, we will begin the next great chapter in America's story" - President-Elect Barack Obama

Do it! Yes you can! :)



Saturday, January 17, 2009

Balm Beach

I recently discovered this cool and convenient product from "The Balm," a travel-friendly kit called "Balm Beach" containing everyday essentials to leave you looking natural and beautiful!

Need a quick touch-up during the day? No problem! It has three eyeshadows in fun names like Mischievous Marissa, Bahama Mama, and Hot Mama. The eyeshadow can double up as a bronzer, and the pink shadow can be used as a blush as well. It also comes with a cute, pink tinted gloss named Girl Next Door. This fun kit is designed to look like a trashy, beach novel, and its compact-size shape fits easily into your purse to carry wherever you go!

You can purchase this product at Sephora stores or online at

Keep up with my blog for more fun product recommendations!




Thursday, January 8, 2009

Stina Inc Spring Collection!

Spring forth with Stina Inc's new Spring Collection!

Spring is the wonderful season of the year where the weather becomes warmer and plants revive from the cold winter. Luckily, Stina Inc is excited to welcome in the new season with its new Spring Collection featuring colorful blue hues set in front of a bright, playful backdrop of trees and plants. Get out there and have fun already! And while you are at it, don't forget to flaunt your unique Stina Inc jewelry!

You can check out the new Spring Collection and purchase them here at:

Buy Handmade

Copy the link above to take you to Stina Inc's main shop page or click on the small image icons above to link you directly to the specific item itself. Happy browsing!



Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Stina Inc and I

Hi! My name is Stina.

About Me:
I am 22 years old and I just graduated not too long ago from UCLA with a bachelor's degree in Political Science and Global Studies. During these four formative years, I have had the luxury to study intensely and gain an immense knowledge and understanding about the world around me! Much of my studies in Political Science focused on American Politics and International Relations. In Global Studies, which is a relatively new and developing subject matter, the focus is on the social, political, and economic struggles of countries all over the world. I am always happy and open towards gaining a deeper perspective on life, as the world is always evolving with something new to learn. Being aware of all the struggles and hardships of those around me, near or far, has allowed me to realize that my existence in this world should mean something greater than just my own self-fulfillment. I want to give back to the world, and help others who are less fortunate than I am. Perhaps, this is a bit idealistic but no matter how big or small the impact may be, I truly believe I can make a difference!

As passionate as I am about global, political struggles, I also cannot deny my passion for creativity, especially in crafts! I dabble here and there with various forms of crafting, mostly creating book bags, clothes, jewelry, and even Halloween costumes! I currently teach a jewelry making course at a middle school in Los Angeles. I love my job because I get to introduce and share with young adults the joys of crafting! They are the future, the next generation of creative crafters, and I am more than happy to be able to touch their lives.

About Stina Inc:
So what am I doing here? For quite awhile now, a little nagging, but well-intentioned voice in my head kept nudging me to combine my passions. With a fresh new year and thankfully, more time on my hands since graduation, I can now be on the pursuit of transforming my passions into a reality. Now, here I am with "Stina Inc," a handmade goody store currently stocked with jewelry I've created. My creations are inspired by all the whimsical, fantasy, dream-like, idyllic images in my head. I think it's partly because I'm a Pisces :).

"Stina Inc" is inspired by friends, family, and everything I've come to know and love. It is a leisure pursuit for now, but I would love to someday develop "Stina Inc" further. Enough so that I can make significant contributions to foundations aimed to better the global environment and helping those in need.

Best of all, I hope my hobby can expand to touch the lives of many worldwide who enjoy handmade goodies as much as I do!

In the meantime, you will find me recycling as many plastic bottles and grocery bags as I possibly can, tutoring and teaching jewelry-making, donating whatever I can spare: money, clothes, hair (Yes, even hair! For more info, check out:, and of course, creating new products for "Stina Inc." Remember, every bit of effort counts, no matter how big or small! Not only do I believe that I have the ability to make a difference, but I truly believe that you can too!

Keep up with my blog for updates on products from "Stina Inc," other good products I can recommend, and the perspective of a young Los Angeles native in general.

Until next time!
